Dec 16, 201812-December, latest news
Winter Solstice is Dec. 21
Dec 13, 201812-December, latest news
Christmas Trivia! Copy and paste the question into your news feed and let the fun begin. Offer a gift card to a person with the right answer. Don’t award it until the end of the day so everyone gets a chance to play. You can choose a person at random or in order of...
Dec 12, 201812-December, latest news
Gift Buying Ideas for People on a Budget Are you on a budget this year but need to buy gifts for all the people you love? We’ve compiled a list of gift buying ideas for people on a budget to help you in your search for simple yet affordable gifts to get for the...
Dec 11, 201812-December, latest news
Stay Cavity Free During the Holidays! You might be wondering how you can stay cavity free during the holidays but don’t worry because here are some tips and tricks to help you this holiday season! Water is your best friend all the time but especially during the...
Dec 6, 201812-December, Fun Ideas for kids, latest news
Christmas Fun for Kids! The Christmas Holidays are here which means that your kids will be home and ready for some Christmas fun! If you and your family are staying home for the holidays then you’ll probably need to find some fun activities for them so they...
Dec 6, 201812-December, latest news
Christmas Trivia! Copy and paste the question into your news feed and let the fun begin. Offer a gift card to a person with the right answer. Don’t award it until the end of the day so everyone gets a chance to play. You can choose a person at random or in order of...