Oct 11, 201810-October, latest news, Orthodontic Health
Oral Care Tips for Halloween Are you and your kids ready for Halloween? To make sure that you’re extra prepared, we’ve provided you with some Halloween oral care tips so that you and your kids won’t have to pay a visit to the orthodontist right after...
Oct 8, 201810-October, Fun Ideas for kids, latest news
Halloween Trivia! Copy and paste the question into your news feed and let the fun begin. Offer a gift card to a person with the right answer. Don’t award it until the end of the day so everyone gets a chance to play. You can choose a person at random or in order of...
Sep 18, 201809-September, Fun Ideas for kids, latest news
Autumn Activities for the Family! Autumn is finally here, which means it’s time for some festive autumn activities for you and your family! If you’re looking for some fun indoor and outdoor activities to get the whole family together then look no further...
Sep 18, 201809-September, latest news
Say Hello to Autumn on September 22!
Sep 18, 201809-September, latest news
Autumn starts on September 22!
Sep 10, 201809-September, latest news, Major American Holidays
Patriot Day & National Day of Remembrance