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Holiday Friendly Treats for Kids with Braces

Did your kids get braces put on just before the holiday season? Are they feeling left out because they think they might not be able to enjoy any sweet and delicious tasting treats because of the braces? Well worry no more because we’ve got a list of delicious tasting treats that you can make together or even go out and buy for them.

  • Pudding, whether it’s chocolate, banana or bread pudding, it’s a nice soft, delicious tasting treat that’s perfect for kids who might have just gotten their braces on.
  • Jello is a fun delicious tasting dessert that all kids will love. You can make it in a variety that all kids will love from different colors, flavors and shapes!
  • Ice cream is another great treat for kids who have just gotten braces. Ice cream comes in a variety of flavors and it’s soft so it’s definitely another great sweet treat for kids.
  • Fruit Smoothies are another great sweet treat for kids with braces. Not only are fruit smoothies easy to consume but they are a healthy option for kids.
  • Cake and cupcakes are also great soft sweet treats for kids who wear braces, just be sure that there are no nuts in either.
  • Muffins are also great for kids who have braces, but again just make sure that there aren’t any nuts.

We hope that your kids will be able to enjoy some of these sweet treats even though they might be wearing braces. Remember to make sure that they don’t consume hard or chewy sweets or anything that contains nuts. Plus don’t forget to have them rinse their mouth after eating these sweet treats and be sure they drink plenty of water. If you stick to the list above your kids should be fine! Wishing you and your kids a happy holiday filled with sweet treats and wonderful memories.