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Party time? Make it Oral Health-Friendly!

Are you planning on throwing a party over the summer break? Have you thought about what you can make so that your party is not only health friendly but oral health friendly? If you’re not sure on how to go about creating the perfect oral health friendly party then follow the list of tips we’ve provided below. All these tips will hopefully help you create a party that leaves all your guests healthy and happy without them having to worry about their oral health and overall health. Some great tips are:

  • Instead of serving chips at your party, why not opt for a fruit or vegetable platter, both of which have many great benefits. By serving fruits and vegetables, you’ll be giving your body the nutrients it needs for a healthy body. Also, by eating these fruits and vegetables your mouth will prod saliva which can then help wash away food that you’ve chewed on that may cause bacteria to build up on your teeth.
  • Avoid using toothpicks and opt for something with a softer touch so that your guests won’t accidentally poke something in their mouth.
  • Try not to serve ice at your party especially crushed ice cubes because they can damage ones tooth by causing it to crack. However if you need to serve ice, then trying using crushed ice instead of cubed ice. If you’re just trying to serve cold beverages then put your beverages in an ice bucket or some type of cooler so that the beverages will be cold and ready to serve once your guests arrive.
  • You might think serving dairy products might not be a good idea but it’s actually a great idea! Serving dairy products such as, yogurt or cheese are the perfect examples of dairy products to serve because they are low in sugar but rich in calcium. Having dairy products rich in calcium can contribute to the strengthening and protection of tooth enamel.
  • If you are going to be serving fruits or even bread, make sure that both the fruits and breads are seedless so that your guests don’t have to worry about getting seeds stuck between their teeth.

This list should definitely help you have and oral health-friendly party that your guests will thank you for. Eat well and healthy and keep your teeth strong and beautiful this summer!