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Motivating Your Kids to Exercise

Are your kid(s) active or do they enjoy staying inside? If your kid(s) is the inactive type, who prefer staying indoors watching tv or playing video games then it might be time to get them active and up off that couch! If you’re not sure how to start motivating them then don’t worry because we’ve provided you with a list of ideas to get them started. –

  • If you have a dog in the family, then ask your kid(s) to take your dog for a walk. Not only will the dog get some exercise but so will they.
  • Having your kids do chores around the house can become sort of an exercise for them. Create some sort of house project for the kids to work on or ask them to help out with gardening and mowing the lawn.
  • Encourage them to play sports, whether it’s at school or at a park or maybe it’s joining a local team. You can even get the whole family involved and learn and play new sports together.
  • Exercise whenever you get a spare moment. For example, if the whole family is watching a tv show together at night you can encourage everyone to do some push-ups or crunches or some type of stretching during the intermission breaks.
  • Another great way to get your child slowly in the habit of exercising it to keep the amount of time to five minutes. At random times throughout the day, you can have your child do various exercises throughout the day for a minimum of five minutes each time.
  • There are many charities and organizations that support causes by hosting a walk-a-thon or marathon. Get your family together and participate in one or the other that way not only are they getting in their exercise but they are helping raise money for great causes.
  • If your kids don’t want to exercise alone then ask their siblings to help or you can even suggest that they do something active with their friends.
  • Another great way for kids to get some exercise in is to let them choose an activity of their choice. This allows them to pick something they’ll be happy to do rather than them feeling like they’re being pushed.

Hopefully, these ideas will help your kids get motivated to want to exercise and stay active and maybe it will help you get more active too! Remember that exercising doesn’t have to be difficult, it can always be something fun to do alone or with friends and family. Remember staying active will help you maintain a healthy body and a positive feeling you!