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Uncommon Oral Health Issues

We all know the problems that can occur in our mouths such as tooth decay and periodontal diseases. However, there are other problems that be might not be aware of because they are uncommon to most of us. We’ve provided you with a list of the uncommon oral health problems so that you can be aware of what they are.

Oral Herpes: This is a virus that infects not only kids but can affect adults as well and is somewhat contagious too. If you notice symptoms such as soreness or redness in your gum tissue then these could be possible signs. The amount of saliva that flows and develops make become more and it could cause blisters inside the mouth. For the more part, these sores should go away in about 2 weeks but there is a possibility that the virus will stay inert in the body. Stress, fatigue, fever and even sun exposure can cause the virus to become active again.

Oral Cancer: The main factors that can cause oral cancer are alcohol and tobacco use. In some cases, even exposure to the song can even cause a person to get lip cancer. In order to prevent getting oral cancer, it’s extremely important that you go for dental checkups regularly so that your dentist can check for any signs.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joints): These joins are located on both sides of your head and allow us to open and close our mouths, plus speak and chew. But if these joints or the muscles around them stop functioning then it can cause severe pain. TMJ is caused by things like arthritis, uneven tooth alignment or an abrasion from teeth grinding.

Dry Mouth: Your mouth needs saliva to help prevent problems from occurring within your mouth. Without saliva, you run the risk of getting sores in your mouth, gum disease, tooth decay and even dry mouth. Moisture and saliva help clean bacteria off the surface of your teeth. If you’re someone who takes medications, has gone for chemotherapy or some form of radiation, then it can have an effect on your saliva.

Burning Mouth Syndrome: This health issue will typically occur in middle-aged and older women. It is can be caused by damage to the nerve, dry mouth, being deficient with nutrients, and changes with hormones. If you feel a burning sensation in areas within your mouth or changes with your taste buds then these are some symptoms of burning mouth syndrome. If you feel like you’re suffering from burning mouth syndrome then speak with your dentist so they can help you find a solution for relief.

Thrush: This is a fungal infection that can transpire when yeast duplicates in immensity and can usually occur within people who have a weak immune system. The causes of this fungal infection are the result of dry mouth, wearing dentures or an imbalance with the bacteria in your mouth possibly due to antibiotics taken orally. If you notice symptoms such as white spots within your mouth or soreness in the mouth it could be a possible sign.

If you suffer from any of the above-mentioned problems, it is important that you schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. That way they can find a possible solution to relieve the pain or reduce the spreading of an infection.