Break from Halloween candy tradition with a trip to your local school supply store. School supplies? Sure. But think less wide-ruled paper and more in the realm of orange and black.
Halloween-themed pencils, stickers, coloring books and crayons or markers are often front and center in discount store displays, right along with the costumes and decorations. Crayola, for example, has you covered with their Halloween Crayon Treat Pack. Not only do they last longer than a candy bar, they inspire kids’ imagination – which is exactly what this holiday should do.
This one skews a little to the younger crowd, but they are often the ones who are more excited about the costumes and the Halloween experience anyway – not just for the candy!
Four tips for brushing with braces
Four tips for brushing with braces Keeping your braces clean is an essential part of the enhancement and healing process … but that’s not always easy. The wires and brackets used in orthodontic appliances can trap small food particles that you can’t get to all that...
October Is National Orthodontic Health Month
With more than 1.2 million U.S. adults currently sporting braces, celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month by learning more about orthodontists and how they do more than give people a better-looking smile. According to, orthodontics and dentofacial...
Fall allergies and how they effect your kids teeth
Every time the seasons change, allergy medications are top priority on our shopping list for the family. Spring is definitely prime time for allergies, but fall brings a whole new set of allergens. Some of the main triggers include ragweed, mold, and dust mites....