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For many parents, the news that their child needs to see an orthodontist is not well-received for a number of reasons. They instantly begin to imagine hours spent at the orthodontist office, expensive bills that insurance won’t pay, and the negative effects that wearing braces can have on children, especially teenagers who are already self-conscious about their appearance. In addition, parents may feel that the recommended treatments are for cosmetic purposes and unnecessary for their child’s oral health. Thanks to advances in orthodontic care, these are not valid concerns in most cases.

Orthodontics: Not Just for Cosmetic Purposes

A straight, healthy smile certainly goes a long way in creating self-confidence and enhancing overall appearance. But that is not the extent to which orthodontic treatment contributes to the individual’s well-being. Aligning teeth at an early age can prevent misalignment of the jawbone that can lead to severe pain and the need for jaw surgery down the road. Orthodontic treatment impacts the jaw, lip and teeth so that the mouth is more aesthetically pleasing and there is no undue pressure or contact in any one area that could lead to significant damage. The orthodontist will be able to advise parents whether treatment should be used now to prevent progression of the condition into other, more serious ones or whether the treatment will be more effective once the child has finished growing.

Paying for Braces

Depending on the type of orthodontic treatment and the condition being treated, dental, orthodontic or other types of health insurance may pay. In addition to accepting all major types of insurance, some orthodontic offices such as Orthodontic Experts in Chicago, Illinois ( also offer patients a choice in payment plans that fit into any family’s budget and they guarantee completing appointments within the designated times. In many cases, the cost of preventive orthodontics will save money and pain of more intense treatments later on.

Straightened teeth make it easier to bite and chew your food and they even make a difference in the clarity of your speech. In addition, misaligned teeth can cause the teeth to hit against each other in a way that causes wear and can lead to gum disease.

More Options in Clear Braces

The best way to prevent teens from feeling self-conscious about wearing braces is to make them invisible. One way to do this is with Invisalign braces that are a series of aligners that are changed about every two weeks. Each aligner makes the next step in correcting the bite. While these clear braces may mean more frequent visits to the orthodontist, wire adjustments will not be a part of them. They also offer other advantages besides the clear appearance. Unlike traditional braces, they can be removed to eat and drink and to brush and floss teeth. This makes it easier to maintain good hygiene throughout the treatment in comparison to traditional braces. Teens who participate in sports also have fewer worries or restrictions with the Invisalign braces since they can be removed during participation or practice.

Another option for discreet wear is ceramic braces. These are more like traditional metal braces than Invisalign but the ceramic blends in with your teeth so they blend in. Millions of orthodontists use ceramic braces to treat their patients so they can get the treatment they need without the “metal mouth” appearance that can make them self-conscious and the target of insults from other kids.

The Aesthetic Impact of Orthodontics

The medical necessity of braces and other orthodontic treatments are undeniable for many patients of all ages. Although orthodontic treatment is not limited to aesthetics, the alignment of the teeth can have a huge impact on the entire face. A person’s smile affects their self-esteem and confidence. Your smile is the first thing people notice about you and it helps determine their opinion of you. Not only can a straight smile improve your social life, it can make a big difference in whether you land a job and increase your chances of being successful.

Orthodontist VS General Dentist

Many people are surprised to learn that you don’t have to be an orthodontist to offer orthodontic treatment to patients. Under some circumstances, a general dentist may offer braces to patients. While both areas of treatment are important and require a great deal of skill, it is important to remember that an orthodontist has extensive training in providing all types of orthodontic procedures. Some general dentists do have the skills and experience to perform some of these procedures but it is not something patients should agree to without learning their qualifications.

One reason that patients may be tempted to allow the general dentist to take care of their braces is the difference in cost. A general dentist often charges less than an orthodontist. However, when you look at the resources available for paying for braces and other orthodontic treatment today combined with the greater number of people who have health insurance, the better option is to go to a trained, skilled orthodontist who offers more payment options and who has a greater area of expertise.

Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

Children and teens are not the only ones who sometimes need braces. Adults who never had their teeth straightened earlier in life may want to improve their looks. Another reason is that their teeth may begin to shift over time, leading to crowding or crooked teeth. Even those who had their teeth straightened earlier in life may need to have braces again. This is especially true if they have a retainer to hold them in place but fail to wear it regularly. Adults also get braces to prevent the same problems that may occur in children and which can lead to headaches or earaches. Even your stomach can be impacted by crooked teeth if you are unable to chew food correctly!

Whether you need braces to improve your self-esteem or to prevent the progression of gum disease, orthodontists have a wide variety of tools to work with today that will get your smile noticed for all the right reasons.