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How To Control Diabetes

World Diabetes Day is recognized each year on November 14 and is a good reminder for everyone to make sure that they’re staying fit and healthy. If you do or don’t have diabetes, this day is still a good reminder to make sure that you make sure and visit your physician so you can get checked. Whether you have diabetes or not, we’ve provided you with some helpful tips on how to control diabetes.

Get and Stay Informed – If you’ve been told that you have diabetes then learn all you can about diabetes and ask your physician any questions you may have that you’ve not been able to find answers to. You could ask your physician to refer you to a dietician so they can help you come up with a diet plan and routine to get your body in shape. Lastly, it might not be a bad idea to talk to any family members or friends you know that had or have diabetes so they can also give you advice based on their personal experience.

Get the Right Care – Getting the right care involves making a specified treatment plan based on your overall health and body. This might involve taking medicines to help you control your diabetes based on things like your symptoms, how your blood sugar levels are, and how complex your diabetes really is. Getting the right care can also mean making changes to your personal lifestyle. Making changes to your personal lifestyle could include things like changing your diet, losing weight and getting more active.

Track your Body – Diabetes can have an effect on various parts of your body from your eyes to your teeth to your heart. Make sure that you’re getting blood tests done so you can track and monitor your A1c levels, your blood pressure, and your cholesterol.

Manage Your Diabetes – Once you’ve been told that you have diabetes the next step is for you to manage it so that it doesn’t get worse. Managing your diabetes would include, going to see your doctor 2-4 times a year, going for dental checkups, making sure that you eat properly and get plenty of exercise.

If you follow these steps on how to control diabetes then you should be on the right track to a healthier and newer you!