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If one of your wires or brackets ever breaks, don’t panic. Simply cover any sharp edges with wax and contact your orthodontist so that you can get it fixed as soon as possible. Do NOT try to remove the wire or pull the bracket off.


Traveling Tips for Good Oral Health

Traveling Tips for Good Oral Health

Traveling Tips for Good Oral Health Are you and your family going on a vacation this summer? That means it's time to do some shopping and packing before the vacation! When packing, don't forget to take oral care products so that you can keep your teeth clean and...

Healthy Teeth for a Beautiful Smile

Healthy Teeth for a Beautiful Smile

Healthy Teeth for a Beautiful Smile We all want to have a beautiful smile but in order to have a beautiful smile, it's important to have healthy teeth. If your teeth aren't healthy then having a beautiful smile that you can show to the world might be a problem. A...