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If one of your wires or brackets ever breaks, don’t panic. Simply cover any sharp edges with wax and contact your orthodontist so that you can get it fixed as soon as possible. Do NOT try to remove the wire or pull the bracket off.


How to Lower the Risk of Oral Cancer

How to Lower the Risk of Oral Cancer

How to Lower the Risk of Oral Cancer It is Oral Cancer Awareness Month which means it’s a good time to learn about how to lower the risk of Oral Cancer.  Lowering your risk of oral cancer can be done by following these simple steps. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables...

Identifying Signs of Mouth Cancer

Identifying Signs of Mouth Cancer

Identifying Signs of Mouth Cancer How can one tell if they have oral cancer? It’s important to know the specific areas in which cancer can spread in the mouth as well as knowing the signs and symptoms. If any of the symptoms persist for more than two weeks it is...

Oral Care Products for a Beautiful Smile

Oral Care Products for a Beautiful Smile

Oral Care Products for a Beautiful Smile Are you someone who loves smiling? Or are you someone who hides their smile because they feel as though their teeth don’t look healthy enough?  Regardless if you’re either one of these people then you should already know that...