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Staying Healthy While Going Back-to-School

It’s back to school time not just for kids but parents too! Going back to school can be a bit difficult to get back into the groove of especially if you’ve had a fun and active summer however if you follow these simple tips your kids should be in good hands and you can worry less.

Tip # 1: Make sure that your kids are drinking enough water especially to keep themselves hydrated. It might be a good idea for you to get your kids a reusable water bottle that they can carry with them to school each day rather than having to look for a water fountain.

Tip # 2: Talk to your kids beforehand to teach them what things are good to share and what things aren’t a good idea to share. For example, kids shouldn’t share things like water bottles and headphones, basically, they shouldn’t share anything that could spread germs.

Tip # 3: Making sure that your kid’s diet consists of healthy foods is important. It’s important that your kids eat fruits and vegetables so that they can get the proper nutrients their bodies need to stay strong and healthy. When packing their lunches, make sure that they have the proper balance of foods.

Tip # 4: Just like eating healthy is important for the body, so is making sure your kids sleep well. During summer kids tend to sleep late at night and then sleep in the next day but now that school has started it’s important that they change their habits. You can help your kids sleep early by suggesting that they turn off their electronics by a certain time and then sleep early so they are able to get up on time for school.

Tip # 5: Lastly, it’s very important that your kids wash their hands as much as possible, especially before eating food and after using the restroom. One way that you can help them keep their hands clean is to give them hand wipes or hand sanitizer, this way if they can’t wash their hands then can use either of these to help keep clean.

Hopefully, these tips will help you and your kids get back into the school groove! Best of luck to you and your kids going back to school!