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Thanksgiving Food Ideas For People With Braces

The Thanksgiving Holidays are approaching us which means it’s that time of year that everyone is throwing holiday parties and eating lots and lots of food. However, if you or your children wear braces then planning a Thanksgiving meal can be a bit of an issue. Read this post about Thanksgiving food ideas for people with braces and see the list of what to eat and what to avoid.

Beverages – Drinking most beverages are okay, the only thing that you would have to worry about is the sugar from the juice that could cause cavities if you don’t clean and rinse properly. Another thing you want to avoid is having ice in your beverages because you don’t want to accidentally chew on ice because it could cause you to crack or break a bracket.

Salads – If you’re planning on eating or making a salad or variety of salads then you want to make sure that you don’t put ingredients in your salad that are too hard and crunchy. You want to avoid ingredients such as carrots, croutons, and nuts as they can cause your brackets to get damaged or cracked.

Ham or Turkey – If you’re going to indulge on ham or turkey then be sure to cut up your meat into bite-size pieces. Avoid eating meat directly off the bone as you could damage your braces. Luckily you don’t have to worry about the turkey stuffing since it’s generally soft but just check and be sure in case there are some hidden nuts.

Vegetables – Eating vegetables might be the safest things to eat for anyone with braces. When braces are cooked, they get a bit of moisture and become soft therefore making them edible and enjoyable for those with braces. Plus by eating vegetables not only are you saving your teeth but you’re providing your body with key nutrients for a healthy and strong body.

Dessert – Dessert is probably another great, safe thing that you can eat that won’t harm your braces. Most of the pies you can get won’t harm your teeth but you do want to be careful with any pies that might have nuts in them because they could cause damage to your braces.

If you stick to the above-mentioned list then you should have a successful Thanksgiving dinner! Eat Healthy and enjoy your Thanksgiving festivities!