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Types of Retainers

Did you just get your braces off? Have you been told that you’ll need to wear retainers ? Unfortunately, getting your braces off, doesn’t mean that you’re done with orthodontic treatment, it just means that it’s time to start the retention stage of treatment. The retention stage is a very important part of your orthodontic treatment, because this is the part of treatment that helps keep your teeth in the correct place that your braces adjusted your teeth into. When getting your retainers, your orthodontist might suggest a few different types of retainers but depending on your specific need they’ll decide which type of retainer would be the best for your teeth in making sure that your teeth stay in the appropriate place. Here we have listed and described the different types of retainers so that you are aware of their functions and benefits. The two categories of retainers are the removable type of retainer or retainers that fixed or bonded which are affixed onto your teeth.

Permanent Retainers: This type of retainer is an option for patients who have just gotten major orthodontic treatment done and need the extra support during which your teeth are getting comfortable in their new locations. The one down-side of having to wear permanent retainers is that you must have good oral hygiene habits and sometimes that can be a bit of a problem to maintain for some patients.

Hawley Retainers: This type of retainer is removable and comes in various customs and styles for you to choose from. The great advantage that comes with this type of retainer is that it is adjustable which allows your orthodontist to be able to minor changes with your alignment. Also the Hawley retainer is simple to take of and lasts for a long time. The one down-side of this retainer is that it is pretty noticeable.

Essix Retainers: This type of retainer is fitted over your teeth so that they can stay aligned. With this type of retainer, it pretty much goes unnoticeable. The only problem with this type of retainer is that it does wear our faster than the other types of retainers and it can be difficult to clean.

Remember that when wearing retainers, you must take proper care of them, so that they stay clean and don’t get damaged. When you first get your retainers, your orthodontist will most likely ask you to wear your retainers as much as possible, during the day and at night. At first you may experience some pain with the retainers, but don’t fret because over time your teeth will get adjusted to them just as they did when you wore braces. Should you have more concerns or questions regarding retainers, please consult your orthodontists.