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All You Need to Know About Damon Braces

Do your kids have crooked teeth and need braces? Are you worried about their comfort as well as how they’ll feel about their appearance? If this is the case, then you might want to speak with their orthodontist about the possibility of Damon braces. Learn more about Damon braces by continuing to read this post as we break down all you need to know about them.

Damon Braces…What are they?

Damon Braces are a type of orthodontic appliances that are fitted on a person’s teeth in the same way as metal braces. With metal braces, it involves brackets for which your kids will need to go to the orthodontist to get them tightened and adjusted. However, with Damon Braces it uses a sliding appliance that connects to wires and brackets so that they move smoothly as your teeth adjust. Damon Braces tend to be more comfortable and even appear better on the teeth and the best thing of all is that they provide a great outcome and less the time as traditional braces.

What are the advantages of Damon braces?

Here are some of the reasons as to why Damon braces are better than traditional braces:

  • Wearing Damon Clear can help with the appearance of how your teeth look. Because these are clear types of braces it’s almost as if you will be wearing invisible braces.
  • The duration that your kids can wear Damon braces is less than that of traditional braces.
  • Damon braces require your kids to visit the orthodontist less often.
  • Unlike traditional braces that apply a lot of pressure, Damon braces apply less pressure on the teeth which results in kids having less pain.

If your kids really want to avoid the appearance of braces then your best bet is Invisalign, however, Invisalign isn’t for everyone and that’s when Damon braces are the next best option. If your kids have to get braces then talk with their orthodontist so that they can go over the options for braces and which type of braces will be best suitable for your kid.