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Avoid Bad Breath by Cleaning Your Tongue

Did you know that cleaning your tongue can also help you avoid bad breath? Yes, cleaning and brushing your teeth is important, but cleaning your tongue is just as important if you want to avoid bad breath. You might be wondering why your tongue is important to clean but the reason being is because of bacteria and food particles building up on the surface of the tongue.

Once you’ve brushed and flossed your teeth it might be a good idea for you to clean your tongue. Use a small amount of toothpaste and apply it to the brush, then gently brush the top of your tongue and then rinse once done. If you don’t think your toothbrush is doing the job of cleaning your tongue then you might want to opt for a tongue scraper. By using a tongue scraper it will help remove odor-causing bacteria from your mouth. Make sure you don’t use too much pressure while cleaning your tongue or else you could bleed. It’s best if you apply light pressure and take your time and go slowly when using the tongue scraper.

When using the tongue scraper, you want to make sure that you’re using it daily. As mentioned before, it’s best to use a tongue scraper once you’ve finished with brushing and flossing. You can do it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night as it should be a part of your daily oral hygiene routine. After you’ve finished cleaning your teeth and your tongue you could even use a mouth rinse to kill any additional bacteria that you might have missed.

The information provided above should hopefully help you with keeping your tongue clean as well as eliminating bad odor from your mouth. Should you have questions or concerns please contact your doctor so they can assist you.