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One of the biggest issues with wearing braces, is how to avoid staining your teeth. Here is a list of some things to prevent getting stained teeth while wearing braces.

  • You want to try and eliminate foods and drinks that are high in sugar and starch as well as acids.
  • Make sure that you continue to brush and floss your teeth, especially after you eat.
  • In addition to brushing and flossing you can also rinse wish a mouthwash.
  • Use a straw to sip on beverages.
  • Using a Waterpik is also another great way to keep the teeth clean because it helps in removing plaque.
  • Lastly, you want to try and avoid drinking or eating foods you know will stain your teeth.

If you follow the steps listed above then you should definitely be on the right track to avoiding teeth stains. You can always talk to your Orthodontist and see if they have any other suggestions for you.