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Can Breath Mints Help Stop Bad Breath?

Do you have bad breath? Grab a mint and let us tell you how breath mints can help stop bad breath!

Did you know that if you chew on a piece of gum or suck on a breath mint it can help to create saliva in your mouth? In addition to creating saliva in your mouth, breath mints can help hide the odor that bacteria leaves in your mouth, but you must be sure to pick the right kind of breath mints.

If a mint has ingredients such as sugar, artificial sweeteners or gelatin, then you’ve chosen the wrong kind of mint as these ingredients can cause bacteria to form in the mouth. No matter how powerful your mint is, sometimes it just won’t be able to do the trick. For this reason, your dental care specialists might recommend you to pick up some sugarless gum rather than breath mints. Also, when chewing gum, your mouth is constantly moving so it ends up producing saliva to help clean up bacteria from sticking to your teeth. If you’re someone who just can’t get away from breath mints, then be sure and find mints that consist of ingredients that are all-natural. If the product of your choice is able to create more saliva in your mouth then choose that.

Breath mints and gum chewing, not your thing?

If you’re someone who doesn’t like breath mints or doesn’t want to chew gum, then your best choice for avoiding bad breath is to make sure that you’re practicing good oral hygiene. Having good oral hygiene by making sure that you’re brushing, flossing and rinsing are important and if you make a good habit of it then you shouldn’t have to worry about having to hide your bad breath.

If you get a bad breath after drinking coffee or eating a meal then usually all it takes it some cleaning and rinsing of the mouth. However, if you notice that you’re having constant bad breath after you eat and even when you haven’t eaten, then you might want to speak with your oral care specialist and find out the cause and a solution.