Jul 7, 2016latest news, Orthodontic Health
Yearning for a straight smile isn’t the only incentive for aligning your teeth. Crooked or crowded teeth could lead to serious health issues prompting a greater initiative for seeking orthodontic care. Here are 8 Ways Crooked Teeth Impact Your Health 1. Causes...
Jun 4, 2016Fun Orthodontic Images, latest news, Orthodontic Health
Nail biting can be a hard habit to break — but if you don’t, your teeth might suffer much more than your manicure. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, children or adults who bite their nails could crack, chip or wear down their front...
May 15, 2016braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
For many parents, the news that their child needs to see an orthodontist is not well-received for a number of reasons. They instantly begin to imagine hours spent at the orthodontist office, expensive bills that insurance won’t pay, and the negative effects that...
May 11, 2016braces, Damon Braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
The goals of braces are simple: give wearers straight teeth and a terrific smile. To reach this end, however, wearers must hold up their end of the bargain by doing more than brushing and flossing regularly. Not to spoil your appetite, but some foods can loosen or...
May 9, 2016braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
If one of your wires or brackets ever breaks, don’t panic. Simply cover any sharp edges with wax and contact your orthodontist so that you can get it fixed as soon as possible. Do NOT try to remove the wire or pull the bracket off. How Headgears Can Help...
May 4, 2016braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
Straight Talk About Braces for Adults Does the word braces call to mind a teenager with a mouth full of metal? If so, it’s time to rethink that picture. These days, people of all ages want to straighten their teeth. In fact, a huge number of adults are hopping...