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Are diabetes and dental problems related?

Yes, the two are very much related in the sense that if it has been determined that you have diabetes then you’re more than likely at a risk for developing oral health problems, especially gum disease. Did you know that periodontal disease is one of the main problems of diabetes? Not only can having diabetes create problems with your gums but you can also run into other problems such as; fungal infection, dry mouth or a burning mouth syndrome. If you don’t get diabetes treated then here are a few things that can happen to your mouth:

  • The amount of saliva your mouth produces might decrease which can also cause you to end up with a dry mouth. Also, with less saliva in your mouth, you can be at an increased risk for getting cavities since saliva helps protect the teeth.
  • Your gums can get puffed up and start to bleed.
  • You may have trouble savoring foods you eat.
  • Getting infections in your mouth is more likely to occur with diabetes.
  • If you get a bruise, it could take a longer time to heal.


Working with your dentist to help you fight diabetes is extremely important and it all starts with making sure that you go for regular dentists. By scheduling routine dentist appointments your dentist will be able to clean your teeth properly and can even watch for and help prevent any dental issues. Here are some other things you can do to help take care of your teeth, in addition to visiting the dentist regularly:

  • Having a healthy diet can not only help with your overall health but it can also help keep your mouth healthy. If you make sure that your blood sugar is at a decent level and that you’re controlling it then you’re off to a good start!
  • Try to avoid smoking if possible.
  • if you wear dentures then you want to make sure that you’re cleaning it properly as to avoid getting it filled with bacteria or any type of food particles.
  • Brushing at least twice a day is very important as well.
  • Lastly, as mentioned before please go for regular checkups with your dentist.

Hopefully, this information about how diabetes can affect one’s oral health informed you and will help you in taking better care of your overall health as well as your oral health. Should you have questions or any concerns, please speak with your doctor and dentist.