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Gum Disease and Your Overall Health

Did you know that having gum disease can have an effect on your overall health?

If you don’t take proper care of your teeth and gums it can lead to problems not just with your oral health but your overall health too! Oral health problems such as gum disease can cause problems with your health such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease So it’s important to make sure that you’re taking proper care of your teeth. Let’s start by talking about how periodontal disease can be caused.

Has your dentist ever told you that you have receding gums? If so, then they’ve probably also shown you the small pockets forming on the front of your teeth. Because of these small pockets, it makes it easier for food particles to get wedged inside. Not only can food particles get stuck but also bacteria can get stuck in the pockets as well and this can cause your gums to get irritated and even get inflamed. This is why it is very important that you take proper care of your teeth by brushing, flossing and rinsing and most importantly going for regular oral checkups. 

If you don’t take proper care of your teeth, then you can set yourself up for having future health problems as mentioned above. If you do your part by taking care of your teeth by going for checkups and cleanings every six months then your dentist can make sure that you’re teeth are healthy. If your dentist tells you that you are having issues with your teeth then make sure you follow their instructions in taking care of your health. Remember that you must take care of your teeth in the same way that you would take care of the rest of your body. Should you have further questions or concerns please speak with your dentist.