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Health Benefits of Braces

One might think that the only reason to wear braces is to straighten teeth, but did you know that there are a few other benefits of wearing braces? Check out this post and read about some other great benefits of wearing braces. Who knows, you might even be convinced to get braces yourself or convince your children to wear them too!

Benefits of Braces:

  • Avoid Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Having crooked or crowded teeth can sometimes cause food to get trapped between your teeth. Because the spaces are so tight, food particles can get lodged in those spaces and even with brushing and rinsing it still won’t help. The collection of all these food particles getting trapped in your gum line or between teeth, can cause plaque buildup and cavities. So look at your teeth, and talk with your orthodontist and find out if your teeth need to be straightened.

  • Prevent Bone Erosion

If you have misaligned teeth, it can cause issues while you eat because of the amount of force being used while eating. With all the pressure on some teeth because of the misaligned teeth it can cause the bones of certain teeth to erode faster than others.

  • Enhance your Speech

Do you notice that you or your child has some type of speech problem? Do you notice that the speech is slurred or that one of you has developed a lisp? Sometimes these issues can be resolved by going to a speech therapist, but other times you may need to for orthodontic treatment. Speak with your Orthodontist to see what can be done.

  • Prompt Healthy Nutrition with Correct Digestion

When you have crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth, chewing down food properly can become an issue which can cause issues for your body during digestion. If you can’t chew down your food so that it can be easily digested, then your digestive system will have trouble breaking down the food which can cause you to have various stomach issues. So, if you notice your teeth aren’t aligned properly and that you’re having issues with chewing which are causing stomach problems, the start to your solutions would be getting your teeth straightened.

  • Avert Dental Injuries

If your teeth aren’t aligned properly, you may notice that you’re biting the inside of your cheeks or tongue from time to time. Preventing this time of pain can be easily fixed with braces which will realign your teeth so you won’t be biting down on anything but your perfectly aligned teeth.

  • Eradicate Harmful Habits

Do you or your children have certain bad habits such as, chewing on pencils, biting lips, and eating lots of sweets? All these habits can cause problems with your teeth so the best thing to do is avoid all this. Yes, sweets can be tempting but try to cut down and when eating sweets, be sure to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth.

Hopefully, after reading this post you’ll be more convinced to get your teeth straightened and even be able to convince your children that wearing braces will have great benefits for them in the long run. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your Orthodontist as soon as possible! The sooner you go the better off your teeth will be!