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How can teenagers maintain a bright smile?

When your kids are young it’s easier for them to keep their teeth clean because as parents you teach them and show them how to brush properly as well as monitor what they eat. As your kids grow older and become teenagers they listen to you less and less which means in spite of you telling them to brush twice a day they may or may not listen to you. If your teen is having trouble maintaining a bright smile, then follow these tips below:

  1. It’s important that your teen brushes twice a day and it’s best to make sure that they use a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  2. In addition to brushing their teeth, make sure that they floss and rinse their mouth.
  3. If your teen has a habit of eating lots of sugary foods, then it would be wise for them to cut down on sugary foods so they can reduce the chances of them getting cavities.
  4. Most importantly, it’s important that your teen goes to the dentist for dental checkups as well as for a cleaning.

Just to be on the safe side, here are some issues that could occur that your teenager as well as you should be aware of.

  • What your teenager eats plays a big roll in oral health because certain foods can damage the teeth, while other foods can be beneficial to their teeth in making them strong.
  • Making sure that your teenager doesn’t smoke is extremely important, not just for their overall health but also for their oral health. Smoking can lead to health complications as well as damaged teeth.
  • Another problem that occurs with most teenagers is the need for orthodontic treatment. Whether it’s to fix an improper bite or to straighten their teeth most teenagers will undergo some type of orthodontic treatment.

As you can see teenagers maintaining a bright smile starts with you teaching them the ropes at a young age and then moves on to them taking what you’ve taught them and making sure that they follow those same instructions through their teenage life and onto adult life.