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Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)

Have you been told that you may need to go for jaw surgery? If you’re looking for more information about this procedure then continue reading this post as we break down all the information you’ll need to know about jaw surgery.

What is Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic Surgery is another name used for jaw surgery, which is a procedure that is done to help and correct unevenness of the jaw bones. The procedure helps to readjust your jaw which then helps your teeth to work more efficiently. Going for this procedure will not only fix the way your teeth function but it can also refine how your face appears. Here are some other reasons why Orthognathic Surgery can help someone:

  • improve how your teeth function in terms of biting and chewing.
  • Improve a person’s speech or even how they swallow.
  • Decrease the amount of wear and tear on teeth.
  • Fix facial disproportion (such as underbites, overbites and crossbites).
  • Fix and improve birth defects or facial injuries.
  • Allow your lips to close completely.
  • Alleviate any pain that could be caused by TMJ (temporomandibular joint) or other jaw issues.

How does Orthognathic Surgery Work?

The upper or lower jaw or the chin will be operated on during orthognathic surgery and is usually done on the inside of the mouth so that no scars will show on the area that was operated on. Although, at times little incisions might be needed on the outside of the mouth which could possibly leave a small scar. Depending on a patient’s specific issue, different procedures might be used to correct the problem. The three types of procedures that are part of jaw surgery are Maxillary Osteotomy (upper jaw), Mandibular Osteotomy (lower jaw), Genioplasty (chin surgery).

What are the results of Orthognathic Surgery?

Getting Orthognathic Surgery done, helps in fixing the alignment of your jaw and teeth which results in a few great benefits such as:

  • Improvement of the way your teeth function and even possibly in your speech.
  • Improvement in your facial appearance in the area surrounding your jaws.
  • Improvement in sleep, breathing and chewing which also improve health benefits.

Hope this information about Orthognathic Surgery will help you better understand the benefits of this procedure. Should you need more information or have other questions, speak with your Orthodontist.