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Why must someone visit the Orthodontist?

If you’ve been seeing a dentist regularly then you may or may not have been told to see an Orthodontist. However, if you aren’t sure why you should see an Orthodontist, then continue reading this post as we discuss the reasons why you should. Going to see an orthodontist has many great benefits for the look and overall health of your teeth and mouth. There are many things that a dentist or orthodontist will look for to determine the appropriate orthodontic treatment for your teeth. Here are some of the things they may look for:

  • Overbites, Underbites, Crossbites and Open Bites
  • Misplaced Midline
  • Spacing or Crowding

If your dentist or orthodontist notices any of the above-listed issues, then you may have to wear some type of orthodontic appliance. Having to wear orthodontic appliances may sound awful but it’s all worth it in the end. Here are some of the different types of orthodontic appliances your orthodontist may suggest for you depending on your specific issue.

  • Braces, Retainers, Aligners or Headgear
  • Jaw appliances, Fixed or Removable Space Maintainers

Having to go to an Orthodontist may not seem like a good thing, but if it can help fix certain issues then it’s all worth the visit. Remember that the start to a beautiful healthy smile starts with proper orthodontic care of your teeth. If you haven’t already made an appointment with your dentist or orthodontist then you should do so soon!