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Oral Care Tips for Halloween

Are you and your kids ready for Halloween? To make sure that you’re extra prepared, we’ve provided you with some Halloween oral care tips so that you and your kids won’t have to pay a visit to the orthodontist right after Halloween. If you follow these tips then you and your kids should enjoy the Halloween festivities and celebrations!

Choose the right candy – Most oral care specialists would prefer if their patients avoided eating candy and other sugary treats but then again what would Halloween be without all the delicious tasting candy! If you and your family are planning on eating tons of candy this Halloween then make sure that you choose what candies you eat, carefully. Eating candy that is hard and chewy might not always be the best choice especially if your kids wear braces. Make sure that whatever candy you buy this Halloween or whatever candy your kid brings back that you make sure that it’s not going to damage your entire family’s teeth. Another thing to remember is that after eating all the sweet treats, you want to make sure that everyone rinses there mouth and brushes their teeth as to avoid getting cavities.

Time for candy – It might be difficult for you and your family to resist a big bowl of candy sitting on that dining room table but this is where self-control plays a big part. As tempting as it may be to eat the candy and other sweet treats, make sure that you set a time as to when your family can indulge in all the goodies. Rather than having candy throughout the day, maybe you can choose a time to eat your sweet treats. After dinner would be a good time because your family has eaten a healthy meal and they deserve a treat plus this way everyone can go brush their teeth, floss and rinse just before bed.

Costume Make-Up – If you or anyone in your family is planning on wearing any facial makeup for Halloween, make sure that it doesn’t get onto your teeth. Using cosmetic makeup might harm your teeth if applied to your teeth so it might be best to speak with your oral care provider on other options if need be. If you’re going to be put fake teeth or other objects in your mouth as part of a costume then read what the product is made of so you don’t run the risk of causing problems with your teeth.

Incentives for Kids – One great way to ensuring that your kids don’t eat too much candy is to offer them some type of reward for turning in Halloween candy in exchange for some type of gift. This just might be the best way for them to maintain healthy teeth and avoid getting cavities.

If you and your family follow these tips then you won’t get frightened by cavities after Halloween. Have a safe and happy Halloween!