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Smile! You’re Graduating!

Your graduation is one of the most important events that will happen in your life so it’s important to make sure that you look your absolute best, from the way you look to that beautiful smile you show off when you take pictures and accept your diploma. Here are a few things you’ll want to do to get your smile ready for graduating.

  • Schedule an appointment with your dentist so that they can examine your teeth and look for areas in which a tooth might have gotten discolored or chipped. Make sure to plan ahead and go in a few weeks before graduation so you can be sure that whatever needs to be taken care of on your teeth will be finished.
  • If you feel like you might want your teeth whitening, speak with your dentist so they can recommend the best solution for you, whether it’s at in-home whitening kit or having to go in and get teeth whitening done professionally.
  • Once you’ve gotten your teeth whitened, you’ll want to maintain that beautiful white smile for the big day. The best thing you can do is to try and avoid any food or beverages that could stain your teeth. Another important thing you can do to help maintain your white teeth is to make sure that after each meal you brush or rinse. If you are unable to then make sure you at least drink water afterward. If you want to be even more careful, then you can use a straw when drinking beverages, that way it can lessen the amount that your beverage touches your teeth.
  • Lastly, once you’ve gotten your teeth cleaned and/or whitened, it might not be a bad idea to practice smiling in front of a mirror at home this way you’ll be ready for the big day.

Remember that in addition to getting your teeth whitened and practicing your smile it’s important to practice and maintain good oral hygiene. Make sure that brush, rinse and floss not just during the days before graduation but all the time. The key to pearly white teeth and a healthy mouth start with you and how you care for your teeth. Congratulations on graduating and hope you enjoy your big day!