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Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

During the holiday season, staying healthy can be a bit difficult with all the holiday parties we attend and all the delicious food around us. If you follow these simple steps then you should be able to stay healthy this holiday season without putting on extra weight.

Watch What You Eat – While attending holiday parties it’s important that you watch what you’re eating in addition to how much you are eating. Before attending a party make sure that you’ve eaten a light and healthy snack before so that you don’t end up overeating at a party because you’re hungry. Also, it might be a good idea to take one plate of servings rather than going back for seconds. Lastly, when it comes to desserts try and get a small plate or stick to just one or two small cuts of dessert.

Drink Water – Water is the best beverage to drink period. One great reason to drink water is that if you drink water before a meal or during meals if will leave you feeling somewhat full so you’ll be less inclined to eat more. Another added benefit of drinking water, especially after a meal, is that it can help clean your teeth and wash away food particles at least until you reach home.

Healthy Options First – Yes, it might be tempting to want to cheese for the bowl of chips or the plate of cookies but try opting for the plate of vegetables with dip or the plate of fruits. Although it doesn’t sound as delicious as the snacks and the desserts you’ll be grateful later when you realize that eating healthy kept your body healthy. Also, when eating meals, if you’re cooking then make sure you make healthy dishes and if you’re going out make sure to reach for the healthier dishes. The key is to eat foods that are beneficial and nutritious for your body.

Workout – In addition to eating healthy, it’s also important that you exercise so that you maintain a healthy body. Whether it’s going for a walk or run or even playing a sport with the family just be sure that you’re getting some physical exercise daily.

If you stick to these tips listed above then you should be able to stay healthy this holiday season. Have a Happy and Healthy Holidays!