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How to Stop Drinking Soda this Summer

Are you trying to cut down on sugar by avoiding to drink soda this summer? Then look no further because we’ve got all the tips to help you accomplish this goal! Let’s discuss Why you should stop, How you can stop, and What are other alternatives?

Why Should You Stop Drinking Soda?

Summer is here and with it comes the occasional heat wave but don’t let that be the reason to grab a soda. Instead of grabbing a soda, why not opt for a refreshing healthy beverage such as a fruit juice, smoothie or water? Yes fruit infused beverages consist of sugar but remember that it’s all natural sugars unlike the ones that sodas consist of and no to mention that sodas also can contain high amounts of calories.By drinking soda, there are no health benefits but when you choose fruit beverages or water you’re helping your body.

How can you stop yourself from consuming soda? Follow these steps and you should be fine!:

  • Make Up Your Mind – It’s all about having the willpower to push and encourage yourself to give up soda. If you make up your mind and say to yourself that you want to cut down on soda and/or quit drinking it all together, then you just have to be determined and strict. It’s just like quitting any bad habit or deciding to make a positive change in your health. Whether it’s quitting to eat junk food or setting up a goal for yourself to exercise more or lose weight. In the end, it’s all about making up your mind to do something and sticking to that goal.
  • Switch to Diet Sodas – Sometimes getting yourself to completely cut things out can be a bit of a challenge, so rather than struggle to quit why not cut down gradually. When it comes to cutting down soda, try choosing diet soda from now on and see how you feel. If you’re someone who drinks more than one soda a day then you might want to try sticking to one soda a day. There’s nothing wrong with baby steps but remember the end goal: Stop Drinking Soda
  • Go Caffeine Free – If you’re someone who drinks soda for the caffeine, then you need to start finding sodas that are caffeine free. If you still find yourself craving caffeine then find other alternative beverages for getting that similar kick that caffeine has.
  • Choose other Beverage Alternatives – Having to give up soda can be difficult but don’t fret because there are many other great tasting beverages for you to choose from. We all know that water is by far the best drink ever but once in a while it can become a bit of a boring thing to drink but that’s when you can choose to add some flavor to your water. With all the fruits and vegetables available to us, why not add a delicious tasting strawberry or cucumber to your water for a refreshing tasty drink. You can also switch to drinking milk, juice, smoothies, and tea, all of which are great alternatives to drinking soda.

Lastly, if you think about the long-term effects of eliminating soda from your diet, you could see various changes in your body from how you feel, losing weight and even having a beautiful and healthier smile! Hopefully, this post will give you just the right push you need to stop drinking soda this summer. Good luck!