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What is Bruxism?

Do you grind or clench your teeth? If so, then you may have a condition which is known as bruxism. There are two kinds of bruxism that people can have, one being awake bruxism and the other being sleep bruxism. Awake bruxism occurs when a person unknowingly clenches their teeth while they are awake. Sleep bruxism occurs when a person grinds or clenches their teeth while they are asleep. Both types of bruxism can cause issues with your mouth, but the earlier it is noticed and corrected than the better off your teeth will be. Read this post to learn more about bruxism, from the symptoms to the causes.

What are some signs and symptoms of teeth grinding?

  • If you notice chipped, fractured or loose teeth
  • If you notice that the enamel of your tooth is wearing out
  • If you notice an increase in sensitivity
  • If you begin to feel pain in your neck, jaw or face or if you feel like jaw muscles are feeling tight

What are some factors that increase how much you grind your teeth?

  • If a person is consumed with stress and anxiety it can cause them to grind or clench their teeth.
  • If a person smokes tobacco, consumes caffeinated beverages and alcohol, it could also cause them to grind their teeth.
  • Another factor that can cause someone to grind their teeth is if teeth grinding is a common issue that runs in your family.
  • If a person has health disorders such as; dementia, sleep-related disorders, epilepsy and a few others, then it could also cause a person to grind their teeth.

Why is grinding your teeth so harmful?

  • Grinding your teeth can cause your teeth to get loose, fractured or even possibly make you lose a tooth and you can even wear down your tooth. If any of these happen then you may need to get a procedure done or even wear an orthodontic appliance of some sort in order to correct the issue.

If you feel like you’re someone who grinds your teeth because of certain factors, or symptoms, then it might be a good idea to talk to your dentist or orthodontist so they can better assist the problem and help you correct it as soon as possible.