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What is Gingivitis?

Do your gums look or feel swollen? Do your gums bleed easily whenever you brush or floss your teeth? These may be signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common and tender form of gum disease or periodontal disease which can cause the area around the base of your teeth to become swollen, irritated or become red. If gingivitis is not taken care of properly, it can lead to periodontitis, a more serious gum disease or even tooth loss. If you are unsure about whether you have been impacted by gingivitis, we have provided some information about the symptoms and prevention of gingivitis so that you can be informed and aware.


  • Swollen and/or enlarged gums
  • Dark red gums
  • Bleeding gums while brushing and flossing
  • Bad Breath
  • A receding gum line
  • Tenderness in the gums


  • Brush and floss properly to remove food particles. This will help prevent plaque and tartar buildup
  • Make sure that you’re eating healthy so ensure adequate nutrition to maintain healthy and strong teeth as well as the jawbone
  • Stay away from cigarettes and any other forms of tobacco
  • Most important prevention tip is to make sure that you’re scheduling regular appointments with your dentist for checkups and cleanings.

Remember that if you do experience the above-listed symptoms then you must contact your oral health care provider as soon as possible so that you can prevent further issues from occurring. If you keep your teeth clean, drink plenty of water and go for checkups regularly, then you should have nothing to worry about.