Apr 5, 2018braces, Damon Braces, Invisalign, Orthodontic Technology
Different Types of Braces Have you noticed that your teeth aren’t straight? Has your doctor told you that you need to get braces? Unfortunately, most of us have to get braces at some point in our lives. Even though getting braces may seem like a pain, they can...
Aug 28, 2017braces, Invisalign, latest news, Orthodontic Health, Orthodontic Technology
Do you need Orthodontic Treatment? Are you unsure if you’re too old to get treatment done? There are a few things you should consider if you’re thinking about getting treatment done. As one gets older, bones tend to become a bit brittle so you need to take...
Nov 17, 2016Fun Ideas for kids, Fun Orthodontic Images, latest news, Orthodontic Technology
The next time you brush your teeth, consider capturing the action on your cell phone — and sharing it with your dentist. The results might provide you with a better shine and fewer cavities by helping you learn to brush more effectively. This was the initial...
Jul 7, 2016braces, Invisalign, latest news, Orthodontic Technology
Invisible orthodontics are a great alternative to braces and their popularity is growing! Take a look at the current trends taking place in the market of invisible orthodontics that are contributing to its expansion. Healthy Teeth for a Beautiful Smile by practicem |...
Jun 20, 2016braces, Orthodontic Technology
Straightening your teeth is a job best left to professionals; not yourself! Let your orthodontist be the one to come up with a solution for straight teeth. The popular trend of ‘Do It Yourself’ braces have exposed health risks that come with trying to...