Mar 15, 2018latest news, Orthodontic Health
Time to Fight Bad Breath! Do you suffer from bad breath? Are you constantly chewing gum or popping mints in your mouth? If this is you, or if you know of someone who suffers from bad breath then read this article to learn or share about ways to help fight bad break...
Mar 9, 2018braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
Health Benefits of Braces One might think that the only reason to wear braces is to straighten teeth, but did you know that there are a few other benefits of wearing braces? Check out this post and read about some other great benefits of wearing braces. Who knows, you...
Feb 22, 2018latest news, Orthodontic Health
Dental Anxiety and Phobia Are you afraid or anyone you know afraid of going to the dentist? Or, do you feel a sense of anxiety when it’s time to visit the dentist? Many people feel a sense of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist and some people even...
Feb 21, 2018latest news, Orthodontic Health
Why must someone visit the Orthodontist? If you’ve been seeing a dentist regularly then you may or may not have been told to see an Orthodontist. However, if you aren’t sure why you should see an Orthodontist, then continue reading this post as we discuss...
Dec 28, 201701-January, latest news, Orthodontic Health
New Year Resolution for your Teeth! Do you have a resolution(s) for the new year? Do you have a resolution(s) for your health? Hopefully you do and it includes your oral health. Taking care of your oral health is just as important as taking care of the rest of your...
Dec 6, 201712-December, braces, latest news, Orthodontic Health
Holiday Friendly Treats for Kids with Braces Did your kids get braces put on just before the holiday season? Are they feeling left out because they think they might not be able to enjoy any sweet and delicious tasting treats because of the braces? Well worry no more...